File Delivery Guidelines
A quick overview of the best way to deliver files for mixing to me
General Notes
Please provide the current reference/rough mix for each song
If you recorded to a click, please provide the BPM for the project
Inclusion of the musical key is also helpful
File Delivery
Please deliver all files as WAV or AIFF
Deliver consolidated audio tracks starting at Bar 1 Beat 1
Only deliver the files intended to be mixed
Audio files should be at the original recorded sample rate and bit depth (48kHz and 32bit or 24bit preferred)
Avoid normalization settings when exporting
Name and number your audio tracks (and subsequent exports) clearly (eg. 01_KickInDry.wav, 12_Gtr01Dry.wav, 23_LeadVoxWet.wav etc.)
In most cases print and deliver the DRY tracks
In instances where you are happy with a processed sound, print both the WET and DRY versions
Please deliver the WET, DRY, and FX returns separately for the Lead Vocal
WET - Includes any effects and automation, as is heard in the reference mix
DRY - The original RAW material without any processing or automation
FX Returns - The reverb/delay/modulation returns without any ‘dry’ signal
Please upload the files in a zipped folder to: https://netorg6940886-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/hello_frankleonardwalker_com/EkGDmK55R3tBjJxjS-hU2WsB11CW2Bb5wtvqm1PwCNm5rw
Alternatively, email the zipped folder through an FTP of your choice to: hello@frankleonardwalker.com