25 Measure Twice, Listen... Forever? Studio Acoustics Measurements
The Perfect Studio The purpose of this (and many) studio builds is to create a great listening space, a place where one can mix and/or...
25 Measure Twice, Listen... Forever? Studio Acoustics Measurements
24 Almost There... Finishing Touches
23 Pedal to the....Plywood? Guitar Pedalboard Build
22 You Should Have Been There By My Side: Studio Sidecar Build
21 It Was All a Fabrication! Finishing the Walls
20 Making Connections: Audio Wiring for the Studio
19 A Reflection: Rear Wall Diffusion
18 That's A Panelin': Studio Front Wall Finish
16 Just Hanging Around: Acoustic Hangers and More Treatment
15 FLUSH! Ah Ahhh: Savior of the SBIR
14 Eyes to the Skies: Ceiling Solutions
13 Ear to the Ground: Laying Flooring and Heating
12 Speakerboxxx: Front Wall Design
11 It's All About That Bass... Trapping and Acoustic Treatment